Thursday, February 08, 2007

Exhibitions, concerts, surgeries and Germans

Originally uploaded by jaanus83.
Wow, so much has gone on. Where do I begin?

I'll start with Janka. When I was in London, I caught up with a cf girl from Germany (Janka). I had been in contact with her through a cf forum and we thought it would be kinda dandy to meet up in London. We did, and I kept telling her that she had to come back to Oz (she was here a couple years ago) but to make sure to see more of Adelaide, which she pretty much skipped last time.

So, over a year later, she tells me she's coming back and coming straight to Adelaide. Pretty nifty. So I picked her up from the airport last Wednesday, and brought her back to the Fortress. Just today she found out that she's moving into a house in St Peters, so that's pretty cool. But I'm not too sure what her full-term plans are. I guess if she likes it here she'll stay till the end of her 3 month visa, but if she gets bored, nothing's to stop her from going east or somewhere else. But for the moment she's planning to stay, so for those who haven't already met her, you will no doubt soon. She also has a blog, and it's on my links section, so have a squizz. She's cool.

Alice had a few exhibitions last week also. There were two on Thursday night, but I only went to one of them, at Urban Cow, which was fantastic! There were heaps of people there, and some brilliant art from Adelaide's finest up and coming jewellers. After the opening we all went down to the Exeter to have a drink or 3. There was quite a few of us, and it was a great night out. My friend Ben who's been living in Montreal the past 2 years was in town, so it was kinda a celebratory drink before he headed back on Saturday.

Then on Friday Alice had another exhibition at Fad. Unfortunately I wasn't able to go because of the Big Day Out. Wasn't too bad, but it was so hot, and there were so many school kids running around. Good for people watching though.

I left the BDO in the afternoon to meet up with Brian Ritchie (bass player of the Violent Femmes) to get an early dinner. We went with John Sparrow (another member of the band) to a friggen awesome Argetinian steak place in Gouger St. Brian was nice enough to treat me to the nicest steak I have ever had in my life. I will have to try to save up the pennies to eat there again. Sooo good!!

After dinner, I went back to the BDO to see the end of Muse, the start of TOOL and then wander over to see the Femmes. Muse were pretty good. But because we weren't in the mosh, the sound wasn't that great, so TOOL sounded quite washed out and weak. Quite annoying really... but the Femems totally rocked the place down (as always).

Saturday Pete rang me to ask if I'd seen the news. Remember that Qantas flight that exploded after take off? Well, not quite. But an engine did catch fire, and it had to dump a whole lot of fuel over the ocean before attempting to land back in Sydney. Anyhoo, Pete rang to see if I'd heard about it, because that was the flight Ben was on. We joked how he was probably asleep and didn't even know what happened. How right we were... after the numerous emails we sent to him asking if he was still alive, he replied back with how he didn't even know what had happened, since he fell asleep, and was finding out on google in the airport. Quite funny.

That night another friend Becky was having a housewarming party thingy at her new pad, and it was bling themed. We did our best to bling it up (by donning bling necklaces) and went alot. It's a totally awesome house, but we were all completely buggered, so Alice, Janka and I left only after a couple of hours and went to bed.

Now onto poor Muffin... Last week, we noticed that he had a little scab on his back. Our neighbour John told us that he had seen a white cat and Muffin have a little 'disagreement'. Knowing Muffin, he was prob sleeping on John's verandah, minding his own business, and whitey came along and took a chunk out of his back. Stupid thing... Anyhoo, we didn't think much of it and left it to heal on it's own.

After a few days it had festered into this absis thing, so we thought he better get looked at. The vet took a look, squeezed a pint of puss out of it - much to the displeasure of Muffin - and said it needed to be operated on. Ugh... so much money. But being the good parents we are, we got him knocked out, cut up, and stitched back up like a damaged hand bag.

It doesn't end there - after a few days of him acting like a good little boy, I saw him on Monday morning licking frantically at his wound. By the time I got up to see what was going on, I saw him eating out the last of his stitches like it was his final meal on Earth. So now he had his wound all opened up and bloodied. Charming. I took him back to the vet who said he needed to be put under again to have it cleaned out and stitched back up. More money.

This time however they were kind enough to give me a cone to put on his head. Poor thing... he's not a happy chappy. But I keep telling him it's for his own good, so he's just gonna have to like it or lump it. The world can be a cruel place sometimes... especially when you have us as parents. :)

Lungs are going alright - not getting any worse, and not getting much better. But their above average, which means that I'm at a stable 'good'. I still need to up the exercise, but I've been walking a little bit every day, so I'll take that. Need to do more though...

I've put some new pics up, so have a looksee. They're fun.

This Saturday night I'm playing a few songs again with Cookie Baker at Emily Smart's cd launch at Jive. So if you aren't doing anything, come on down. It will be a great night. And then on the Sunday morning, we are playing at the Festival Centre markets thing, on the outdoors stage. The weather so far looks like it'll be a pearler, so forget your hangovers from Saturday night shenanigans and come down for some delicious tunes. :)

Rating: 7.4

What I'm listening to: Brian Ritchie - Taimu

1 comment:

Janka said...

haha..I like your head line! Anyway, since we're texting or talking about every day there's not much I can write in this comment exept for I'll see ya sat night! lemme know when you're heading into town for dinner so I can join you. Might even opt for something other than sushi...:)