Thursday, March 22, 2007


So I had clinic on Tuesday... and just like I predicted in my last blog, my pft's (lung function) was down a bit... 55% to be exact. It was 63% last time, about 2 months ago. But it's all good... I had prepared for this. If it had been under 55%, I would have started to worry a lil. But I managed to get some more meds (the ones I had been out of since last week) and I can already feel them starting to do their magic. I have another clinic in a month, so we'll see how things are then.

I have another gig tonight with Holly at the Exeter, so that should be fun. I'm guessing there's gonna be a whole heap of drunk Fringe-ites there, so any friends are more than welcome to come along so I can see a familiar face. If not, nuts to you. :)

And what's with this weather? it's hot again! I had to crank the AC today...

I have a new headband.

Rating: 6.5

What I'm listening to: Skip James


Benjamin said...

Hey mate - me again - i see you're getting into the old bluesmen - will we be seeing some of that influence on the new "Cookie Baker and the Dough Boy" album?

Jaanie said...

haha, we'll see... most likely not, but you never know...

Becky said...

g'day matey.

well after all your frowning and shaking your head at me, i've finally posted again. so there.

how did the show go on thursday night? it would have been packed - good exposure!

anyway better go catch my flight... going to sydney for a day :)

bonney said...

Hey Jaan

Wow so much has happened since I last read your blog... and man Im missing out on the best time of the year down in Adelaide. I was trying to work out what you meant when you referred to 'the garden..' but then I remembered, cant believe I forgot!

And happy to see that you think Im 'doing wonders for the world'! Nice to get little bits of encouragement like that, most days I feel like Im pushing jelly up a hill with a teaspoon. Today we're on the edge of a tropical cyclone, so the jelly's melted with 4 days of torrential rain. The poor squatters at the end of my street are swimming.

Bon xx