Friday, February 24, 2006

The post you all thought was coming yesterday...

Ok. So here I am. It's 2:03pm, I'm sitting at work and have just finished watching a doco called Grizzly Man. It's about a guy that used to live with grizzly bears, and eventually started to think that he was one. Then he got eaten by one. Very interesting. I thoroughly recommend you check it out when it becomes available. Anyway, so what's been happening in the life of Jaan?

Well, I guess one kinda interesting piece of news is that on Monday it was my birthday. This year was really weird - I wasn't really that excited about it and kept forgetting that it was actually coming up. Maybe that's because this was the first year that I didn't have a party planned to look forward to. But it was a great day nonetheless. Very chilled. Had lunch and dinner with Alice. I got a tent. I got an awse board game that is basically like Balderdash but with completely random useless facts. I know some of you will understand my excitedness with this game... I also got a ticket to Womad, which I'm terribly happy for since that means that I don't have to fork out the money to go (something that I'm running quite low on at the moment...).

I've also been doing lots and lots of exercise. When the weather permits, I've been blading around the place, trying to not stack it. When I can't be bothered doing that, my bike is getting a good run. And when I can arrange it, there are squash games to be had. All very good, but it has led to some other little annoyances. Since I'm doing so much exercise, my lungs are getting a bit better, which is great, but because of all the coughing, I'm getting quite persistant headaches. I'm also getting quite sore joint pains and my back is starting to play up a bit. But I guess they are just other things I have to deal with and another side affect of being healthy. But it's not going to stop me trying to get better. For the first time in ages I'm actually starting to feel good without antibiotics running through my body.

And of course there is the Fringe. Very much looking forward to that. Along with Lano and Woodley, there is this guy that I wanna see that apparantly bends spoons and stuff with his mind and reads people's thoughts. Should be great fun. The opening parade is tonight also, but as I type this it is absolutely pouring outside, so I don't know how crap that will be.

Another little bit of news I wanna let you all know about; a dear friend of mine from school, Dichen Lachman, is making her mark on Australian tv. She is the new girl on Neighbours and I strongly suggest you check her out. You won't have too much trouble picking her out - she is the absolutely stunning half Tibetan chick reaking havoc with Carl and Susan. She is also in an upcoming movie, Aquamarine, so do keep your little peep holes out for that one.

I think that just about coveres it all... probably not, but I forget things so too bad. As I mentioned before, health is going along alright. Starting to feel a bit stronger, and I hope that only continues as I get fitter.

Rating: 6.9

What I'm listening to: Triple M (I've been working ALOT)

p.s. I've added a few new pics so go and check em out. They are colourful.


Lauren said...

Happy belated birthday and congratulations on your good health! I will be praying that it sticks around. I too have found that when I make a habit of working out I feel pretty good. I'm hoping to make it to the 1 year mark of being IV-free. Only 2 months to go!

Have a great weekend.

Janka said...

congrats to your discipline for keeping up the work outs, man! seriously that is great! I'm so jealous that you can just go off and do these things...but since this might be one of the last times I can leave the kibbutz on the weekends (looks like I can't afford renting a car anymore)I really enjoyed the run on the beach this morning. Went for a two-hour walk with some tunes as well, something I had been craving for weeks!!!!
anyways, good to hear from you again, keep posting!

Anonymous said...

work outs and me = pfft so well done :):)

about Grizzly Man, i think that guys a fucking idiot,well was, epseically the fact he got his woman killed as well because of his stupid fantasy,he was just substituting his drug/alcho problems for a enw obsession his bears. I saw this whole hour long story on him and his ex who has the final footage of him and u can hear him getting eaten and killed by the bear that did it....

The chick on neighbours is hawt how do u say her name??

love ya


ps i still cant get over that grotty email u sent even if it was fake :P

Jaanie said...

yeah, grizzly man guy was an idiot. he had it coming to him. im surprised he lasted as long as he did.

dichen's name is pronounced deechen.

and yes, that email was pretty grotty and got me fired up. at least it aint the real thing...