Saturday, July 30, 2005

Things are slowly but surely coming together...

"Yarn!" final
Originally uploaded by jaanus83.
Wow, check that out - another post and it's only been a week. Things are going along nicely...

Now that holidays have finished, things have settled down at work which means more time getting into a routine to do more physio sessions, which are definately paying off. I've even decided to change a bit of my routine - I usually take my pulmozyme (a gene therapy inhaled med which is used to thin out the mucous to help me cough it up)in the morning before my morning physio. This way it loosens up all the phlegm for me to cough up in the morning. However, I've been talking to a CF friend in Canada and she is taking her pulmozyme just before she goes to bed so that it works throughout the night and therefore is more affective in the morning. Not being one to shy away from something new, I've started doing that the past few nights and I've noticed a change. I'm definately alot dryer than I was a week ago, but I'm not too sure whether that's due to the fact that the pulmozyme isn't actually working throughout the night and the mucous that I do have in my lungs is just drying up and settling in the bottom of my lungs. It also could be due to the fact that I'm back into a routine of doing physio, so you never know. I have a clinic on Tuesday, so it'll be interesting to see how things are there. But I guess the main thing is that I'm feeling much better and not as clogged up.

The other bit of news is that we've finally sorted out all the main details for the "Yarn!" fundraiser. You can see the poster, so I won't mention all the details again. But the only thing I want to stress is that if you are planning on coming, if you can try to make it as close to 8:30pm as possible, just because there is so much going on you don't want to miss out on, plus it looks like we could quite possibly get a full house, which means that if you decide to rock up late, you might not even get in. So just keep that in mind. But seriously, it looks like it's going to be such an awesome night. Please come along. We're really getting excited about it.

So there's my speel for this week. I leave in just over 3 weeks and things are getting quite hectic and exciting. Let's hope there are no dramas to postpone things any further.

Rating for tonight... it's a, it's a, it's a big fat 8. Woot!

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