Sunday, April 10, 2005

On the way up (slowly, oh so slowly)

I haven't written in a while because I didn't want to write with bad news. I had clinic on Tuesday, and it didn't go too badly. My lung function is 65%, which is 1% better than last time. Considering how poorly I was feeling a few weeks ago, I'm pretty pleased that it's up at all. I got a printout of all my lung functions since I've been going to the RAH, and to my surprise my best percentage is 75%, and that was sometime in 2002. So I'm only 10% off my best, which is pretty darn good, considering that was a few years ago. I've got a goal to try and reach that elusive 75% before I go overseas. Hey, why not? It's not like I've got anything else to do. I've got another clinic in 6 weeks, so I'm hoping it will get even better (but let's take it one step at a time).

I went to the beach again yesterday to take advantage of the stupidly hot April weather, and once again it seemed to stuff me up (not having much luck with the beach lately). I even had to leave work early because I had a bad headache, was feeling dizzy and almost threw up. But I think this was due to the fact that I haven't had much salt lately and since cf's lose lots of salt in their sweat, this is probably what caused it. One dose of KFC soon cleared that up and I was feeling much better.

It looks like the sore throat did a bit more damage than I first thought. Only last night did I start to get really well in the lungs. All week I've been quite productive and not really feeling as good as I was last week. But last night success - physio was great and I didn't really cough up that much. We'll see if this morning brings the same result.

And I'm determined to start swimming this week. So you all have to tell me to get off my fat arse and do it - you all know how forgetful I can get. But yeah, so that's it for now. I'm happy to say that I'm feeling better again. It was getting a bit annoying to tell you the truth. I'm still taking the Ambrotose, but I'm not sure if its going to have the same effect. No reason why it shouldn't, but I'm trying to stop myself getting too excited and carried away.

p.s. Ben Folds and Femmes absolutely rocked the house down!!


Anonymous said...

Interesting reading, Jaan. I will be keen to hear the(if any) ongoing benefits of taking Ambrotose as occasionally I get a few enquiries about it. Hope you get a good report at your next clinic appointment - and get off your bum and get swimming!!
Cheers Robyn Craig

Anonymous said...

Jaan... have you gotten off your ass yet??