Sunday, April 03, 2005

Update no. 6

Well, once again I've decided to change my style. I'm feeling rather frisky today, so capitals and punctuation it is again! No promises it will stay. But it will be oh so fun to find out next post, won't it boys and girls?!

Well, enough banter. My dry, sore throat seems to have calmed down quite a bit, which is a relief. I made sure not to do anything last night and rest, which I think paid off. However, since I missed a few sessions of physio, the cf caught up a tad and now I'm a bit more chesty than normal (you all know that when I say chesty I really mean phlegmy, but it sounds nicer), but I expected that and hopefully with physio back on the menu that should clear up. And even though I feel a bit sicker than I was a few days ago, I'm still better than I was before I started the Ambrotose, so that's good. However, even after considering this, I'm still quite peeved that I'm sicker again. But I guess these things take time so I'll assess things in a few days.

Anywho, nothing else to report. I've got the Femmes concert tonight so hopefully that won't do too much damage. I'll say hi from you Benny, and see if I can get 'In Style' played for ya.

Peace out y'all.


Anonymous said...

great to get a blow by phlegmy blow account of day to day life. hope the femmes weren'tr fatal tyo your health and look forward to hearinbg more from the pen/computer of Jaanie!

Anonymous said...

go jaan and his health! was the femmes heaps of fun? did you get to go backstage and say hi to the old folks? was is really cold that night? did they leave the fan on pointing at you and your friends and make you all really cold? spewing. but you had fun didnt you? yay!