Monday, April 25, 2005

I've got a bug and his name is Annoying Little Bugger

After thinking I didn't want to post anything because there was no change, I can now write something for youse all. As I said, since my last post there hadn't been too much to tell. I was going to the pool and swimming, doing all my physio, and not doing anything too hard on my health. So there wasn't much to inform you on. However, since Friday night, I have once again caught something in the air. Or more probably from Dana. She has been quite sick and when I went home to get some stuff, that may have just been enough time for me to catch the dreaded bug. I've been having really bad sinus headaches, runny nose, and body aches. This morning the headaches have subsided a bit but my throat has once again flared up. But changing sypmotoms usually means that I'm getting better, so here's hoping.

I'm guessing the cf will catch up and it will take me a while to get back up again, but I'm prepared to do that. It's much easier to get better when it's just cf rather than other viruses or bugs. I just need to up the exercise and physio and that usually does the trick.

So there ya go. Another little hurdle that I need to get over, but the way I think of it, it's much better to get these little niggles when I'm quite healthy overall rather than get them when I'm quite unwell. It's much easier to fight them. Oh, and I've decided to add one other thing to my posts - a rating out of 10 for how I'm feeling. While some of my posts may sound quite bad with symptoms etc, that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm not feeling that bad (if that makes any sense). So this way I can say what my body is doing, yet still tell you how I'm feeling. It might make a bit more sense then and not cause any unnecessary worry.

So for the first rating... 5.5

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