Thursday, September 01, 2005

Lakes, walking and some friggen big trees!

in a forest with HUGE trees
Originally uploaded by jaanus83.
Today was pretty cool. Around lunch I was treated to a picnic by some waterfalls, then we drove to some markets which were pretty cool. After that we went to a place where injured animals are rehibilitated, quite possibly known as a vet, but it was more than a vet. It was a sanctuary. Lots of cool animals. Well, mostly birds, but it was pretty cool to see bald eagles face to face.

After that we went driving past some nice looking lakes, you know, the kind that Halloween and Friday the 13th are filmed at. Anyway, we arrived at a little forest place where there are these huge trees everywhere. That's the attraction there. BIG trees that are hundreds of years old. Sorry if you don't care much for trees, but it was pretty cool. And it was really nice just walking around there. Apart from the trucks driving past on the road just a few metres away, but apart from that total bliss.

The phyiso is still coming on strong, but I haven't got THAT much better yet. Still, give it more time and I'm sure things will clear up more. But overall I'm quite pleased with how good I am. While I didn't really expect anything, I just wasn't sure what would happen with another climate and stuff. But things have been pretty much the same as at home. Well, it's felt that way anyway.

Tomorrow I'm going downtown Nanaimo style and spending the day walking around and looking at stuff. There is a shop with $30 Chucky Tee's, so of course I'll be making a stop there. And I also need to get some cash out. I've run out and all I have left are traveller's cheques. Oh well.

The wonderful rating that I know you've all been waiting for is worse than yesterday, but it's weird because I feel the same as yesterday, I just think I was a bit optimistic with the rating yesterday.

So for tonight it is 6.8.

What's brown, stupid and poured over potatoes?
Thick gravy.


Becky said...

Hi Jaan, love the daily updates and the photos are excellent.

Who's place are you staying at? Are you going with that program where you help out on farms?

Jaanie said...

The place I'm staying at is a family that another cf friend stayed with when she was living here. VERY nice people.

Nah, won't get a chance to do the farm thing. Oh well, maybe next time...

Anonymous said...

Hello Jaan,

Just read your post on the CFV website and thought I'd check out your link. This is a very cool way to keep in touch with everyone back at home (alot cheaper than calling everyone) and it shows us what you are getting up to and seeing.

It's great reading all your posts and having the opportunity to reply to yours. I'll be bookmarking it so I can revisit and see what else you are up to.

Anyways I'll leave it there, take care and enjoy the rest of your travels.


Jaanie said...

hi bonnie!

thanks so much for visiting! youre right, it definately is easier and cheaper this way!

well, ill try and keep it as interesting as possible now that i know other people apart from my friends are looking at this...

take care!
